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There's a unity between them.
A unity no one ought to have seen.
It's not like sticks and stones.
It's nothing but a pure radiant beam.

Hear me chanting about a thing called Love.
You really should listen up.
Fear me, 'cause this is true.
Take a sip from the cup.

Have you ever felt a strong feeling.
It's like something you've never felt before, a sensation.
You have it in you.
A burning temptation.

A unity between two lovers.
Is a beautiful thing.
We should embrace.
We shouldn't worry about anything.

Hear me, hear me.
Hear my chanting truth.
You will hear, you will find.
You will feel...
Yes, you will feel...

Fri vers av Dark Angel
Läst 216 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-25 02:29

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Dark Angel
Dark Angel