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Just Another Christmas Song

Those who say that Christmas is lovely
they are ignorant, they don’t see
see what’s behind the brick wall which covers them
see what’s on the other side
see people without hope
no, just pushing them aside.

Christmas is a lonely time
which some refuse to see, but if just one brick falls away
it’s quite obvious “happy Christmas” do not rhyme
sad Christmas the line is very fine
poor Christmas, but what can the poor ones say?
lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way.

Some say that it was much better before
but that’s not true life has always been the poor ones war.

And love and hope is not all that you can do
no that won’t give the homeless a place to live
don’t teach a man to hunt
if he don’t have the strength to shoot
don’t teach a man to run
if he’s running from someone.

Give a man somewhere to sleep
give him bread
and show him the feeling of lying on clean sheets
give him comfort and hope off tomorrow
help him up and reduce is pain off sorrow.

Christmas is a lonely time
which some refuse to see, but if just one brick falls away
it’s quite obvious “happy Christmas” do not rhyme
sad Christmas the line is very fine
poor Christmas, but what can the poor ones say?
lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way.

Listen to a poor woman’s voice
let her tell her life story
lift a stone, let her know she’s not alone
don’t say you’re sorry
no’ show you’re happy and she’ll know hope’s for everyone
give her time and tell her you’ll help her trough
when time is in do your best and make your words come true.

Christmas is a lonely time
which some refuse to see, but if just one brick falls away
it’s quite obvious “happy Christmas” do not rhyme
sad Christmas the line is very fine
poor Christmas, but what can the poor ones say?
lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way.

Help a child too be happy, give her a new chance in life
in the loss of her mother be there tonight
don’t let her give in trough the fight
tell her the beauty’s within her, let her sleep in your arms when she cries
tell her that she’s not too blame, no
and that all that she did, she did right.

Yes Christmas is a lonely time
which some refuse to see, but if just one brick falls away
it’s quite obvious “happy Christmas” do not rhyme
sad Christmas the line is very fine
poor Christmas, but what can the poor ones say?
lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way
yes it’s a bad life, so help them get reasons stay
Christmas is not about religion
and not for the already dead
I'm just saying what already should've been said.

Sad Christmas the line is very fine
poor Christmas, but what can the poor ones say?
lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way
yes It’s a lonely Christmas for some that’s the only way
for some that’s the only way.

Fri vers av Muppin
Läst 231 gånger
Publicerad 2008-12-25 13:02

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