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Why monks are bald,
why the winter’s so cold,
why I can’t get closher
and why your heart can’t be sold,
the point of kosher,
why your feelings can’t be mould.

Why does ship sink?
why don’t some people think
before they act?
why we believe in fact.

Why do some sings say STOP
while others say go on?
why do some have hope
when others just fall down?
why do I love you?
why don’t you love me?
am I the blind one?
or are you the one who can’t see?

Why should we care about life?
why don’t some men care about their wife?
why is the sun so shiny?
and why are snails so slimy?
shouldn’t the world be equal?
will there come another Die Hard sequel?

Why do some people
have a price on there head?
why can’t some sleep while lying tired in bed?
why are tarmac so hard?
why is a rose so beautiful?
what’s so fat with lard?
and what’s good with Red Bull?

Why do a sheep run in heard?
what makes a bully hit a nerd?
why some are a king
while others a servants?
tell me, what’s the thing
with unequal burdens?
what makes a fan so star stricken?
and what came first
the egg or the chicken?

These things I wonder
and I need answers for,
please help me with just one
and I’ll ask someone else for more.

Fri vers av Muppin
Läst 303 gånger
Publicerad 2008-12-27 21:48

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