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Why Is War Accepted?

It takes just a handful pro war people
planting their own seeds
and after some time and years
these potential soldiers will grow up just like weeds
will grow up filed with hauteur
it ain’t what this planet needs.

And then they get thrown out into war
not even knowing who or why they are killing
or what they are killing for
do they even understand
that that’s real blood they are spilling.

On the black side of earth
a family’s destroyed
and the father is buried under blood red soil
this unfair tragedy
just because one rich country
didn’t get their death black oil.

Why is war accepted?
why is war ok?
why don’t more people stand up
raise their voices and say
we will not let you fight tomorrow
and you won’t kill no more today!

Fri vers av Muppin
Läst 268 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-12-29 01:10

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