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Denna skrev jag då Batman - the Dark Knight kom ut. (En av de få gånger jag faktiskt inte varit besviken när jag lämnat biosalongen.)

Super that and super this

Super that and super this

Now batman, he was all very cool
But sincerely just a fool
And superman, he could fly oh so high
But really, did he cross the sky
Shadowcat with curly hair
She is altogether all very fair
Behold the Human Torch
He controls fire but in fact, yet just a dork
The Beast I declare. The master of slue
Stronger than the lion, what I speak is true
The super that and super this
They are all meant to be very whizz
With a wicked mind or a brave heart
They all play a part in this so called art

Fri vers av Pixlesic
Läst 170 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-20 20:38

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