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En ganska lång dikt eller låt eller nåt, jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska kalla det....jaha säg vad du tycker =)

~Whispers Of immortality~

Wishes of my heart
Are too big to see
I wish that I could tell
someone without a smile
Whispers of Immortal In my ear
I know your There, I know what you want
Your Thirst for blood lingers on you lips of attraction
My thirst for Immortality, Glows In the dark
I know hear me....I know your there to see me Now.

Something new Is happening to me
Cant understand whats going on
Im Changed, so dead... so dead
I had a wish of immortality
I wished my skin was pale white
That my eyes were silver blue
that I dreamed of blood.
I think Its coming true

I cant understand
Im different
am I dreaming or am I just to crazy

you can lock me in to a mental hospital but you cant change
what I beleve I am
Im so crazy so crazy
I was normal now im an animal
Aiding for your blood
I want you

Your Heart sings A poison for you
But for me Its the best music ever
The Hot blood runs thew your veins
I hear every breath every step
Come closer your breath is like a hot breeze on my ice cold skin

tell me Im an animal cause I know its true

My dream has come true
I am listening to the best music ever
The song of your heart
I love you, But I cant touch you cause I can kill you
Im so sorry, I cant say in words what Is going On... Im so sorry....

Övriga genrer av J.K Rowling-fan!
Läst 155 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-04-06 20:08

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J.K Rowling-fan!
J.K Rowling-fan!