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Don\'t drink and drive.

Drunken Math Teacher

Once upon a time
a math teacher sat in a car
and held a beer in her hand
while she typed wildly on her calculator.

In the driver seat sat a scared student
gripping the steering wheel tightly
and hoping to escape this nightmare.

Don\'t drink and drive.

(You might spill beer on your calculator and ruin it.)

Övriga genrer av funky_fungi_machine
Läst 447 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2005-10-13 19:49

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I think I see a little something behind your history, can it be that this nightmare of a car ride actually symbolise how some students feel during a mathlesson when the teacher tryes to explain something really complicated and do it really bad?

It really is a nightmare you paint out. I'm just wondering who the student might be?

Thank you for your advice, now I know that I should never drink, hold a calculator and drive at the same time.
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