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MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 11 Texter

Angel on the roof - 2010-08-31
The Angel and Devil - 2010-08-31
Förlorad - 2010-08-31
Letter for you - 2007-10-17
Neringa and the house of books chapter 3 - 2007-10-12
Would you? - 2007-10-12
The Ice maiden - 2007-10-12
Humans are not allowed to love angels - 2007-10-12
For my best friend ! (1) - 2007-10-12
Neringa and the house of books Chapter 2 - 2007-10-12
Neringa and the house of books Chapter 1 - 2007-10-12

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Blev medlem oktober 2007

Har fått 6 applåder.