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Neringa and the house of books chapter 3

Chapter III


After the incident Neringa stayed away from the house a couple of days. She spent daytime thinking about it, and at night she had terrible dreams about body less voices. Then one day as she was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper she’d bought on her way home from school, she saw a notice. It was about a house that was to be demolished. The article read:
A small house in a glade in the city forest
Is to be demolished, no one has been seen
In the house. We believe no one has lived
In the house for a very long time and no owner
Is found. Therefore the city council has decided to
Demolish the house.
Underneath the article was a picture of a house. It was not as Neringa suspected the house she’d found. The house looked much smaller, but there was something familiar about the surroundings. The glade, she could not put her finger on what it was. Maybe she did just imagine things. After all she had not been what she was the past days.

Then one day as she was on her way to the supermarket to do the weekly shopping curiosity got the best of her. She believed that if she just went back she’d find out that it was a perfectly normal house. She went past the supermarket and continued on the road which leads to the forest. Strangely she didn’t have to search for the house; her feet knew the way back. When she came to the glade where the house laid, she was met by a surprise. There was a sign in front of the gates. It read: To be demolished. Although Neringa did not really like the house she didn’t want it to be demolished. She was drawn to the house by a force she didn’t yet know existed. The gates were open just as she left them. She wondered if anyone had been there after her. Slowly she looked past the gates; she could still see her footprints even if they were covered by new layers of dust. On the threshold she doubted. Should she enter? She did. As she entered she felt a wind blowing through her hair, a gentle wind. Suddenly she was not as scared anymore. The excitement had replaced the fear. She stepped in and went immediately to the nearest shelf and searched for the book about the boy. She found it. “I am going into that room again.” She though. “And I am going to read it there. I am not afraid of any voices.” She walked to the end of the passage and found the place to press, and now he heart beat very fast. She was still a little bit scared. She presses and the shelf turned. The room was there just as she remembered. When she stepped in she saw a book in a shelf in front of her, it was crimson red. Somehow it resembled of a diary Neringa had at home. She stepped closer to have a look at it. She took it from the shelf and dropped the blue book. The book looked just like her own diary.

Prosa (Novell) av Annie Freyhall
Läst 212 gånger
Publicerad 2007-10-12 16:03

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Annie Freyhall