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There is something missing in me, as lovers left me to bleed Missing - Flyleaf

There is something Missing I can't put my finger on...

Sometimes I don't even know what I am waiting for?
There is just something missing I can't put my finger on. Something so far away it's hard to reach. Something I may never reach.
And sometimes I wonder what's next.
Is the picture me sitting here every night hoping and dreaming, and then go crushed to bed when nothing happened.
You childish fool.
You are in love with someone you might never get, and you won't let him go.
You are waiting for something excited without knowing what it is.
What might come for you in the end.
I just sit here, waiting for something that will never come and that never will happen. Pretending and dreaming it does.
As the hours go by you lose all sense of hope and go crying to tears
You still don't get it? Do you?
How can she not see, there is no one but a empty shell.
You are pretending, far far away from the real world
And when the times go by, you are closer and closer to insanity.
You live in an old house, getting older, but you can't understand.
In the moment of death you'll see that you have waste all your life pretending it exist. Pretending it didn't hurt.
And somehow you regret, when you sat there in front of the computer.
Waiting for something that did and does not exist.
So see little girl. There is something missing.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Demolition Doll
Läst 171 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-21 22:52

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