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twanged through the sidedoor!!!

Opium for the masses

Since now is dreadful and boring
I tend to walk away down the line
and drug me with some future planning
or see my friend "the television show"

The future is the opium for the masses
but it´s a pure abstraction
the future hasn´t happened

I gotta stay close to some stupid hobby
or else I will see my inner pain
and it will do me really messed up
so I better fill my life with work

The future is the opium for the masses
but it´s a pure abstraction
the future hasn´t happened

Fri vers av Boris before the dawn
Läst 131 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-15 21:35

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bättre att leva i nuet då;)
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Boris before the dawn
Boris before the dawn