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I'm sorry

Can you please take the pain away?
I’m sorry, but I can’t stay when it’s around me.
Everything is around me
It’s too close to me
Please, I beg you, take it away
I’m sorry but it’s impossible for me to stay
I’m so very sorry.
I know you did your best,
And I know it’s hard to see
That it wasn’t enough.
So I can’t stay.
I’m leaving soon.
I’m sorry that I disappointed you.
But I really can’t stay
You will also realize it soon.
I’m not the one you think I am.
I’m not a part of your world.
I’m leaving today.
I’m so very sorry.
Take care.
I beg you.
Take care
‘cause I’m leaving today.
Take care

Fri vers av Schatz
Läst 412 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-07 22:16

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