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You up high, where ever you are. Bless me, my friends and my family. We all need you, but some of us wont admit it. Love them for who ever thay are, even if they dont have same kind of mind as me. Some of them say I am crazy for my way of living. Some say they wont talk to me cos i think everybody in the whole world have the same worth.
I cant see the diffrense between someone from Somalia and someone from Iran, they all look like us God, I swear thry do!
Look at them, they all have 2 eyes that can cry rivers.
They all have a nose that can pick up the smell from when the rain hits the ground.
They all have a mouth that want to say ther opinion.
We all have two arms that reaching out for love, even if you have another skin color.
With their two legs they can run, run to better places, run to their loved once. Run Run Run Run , they can run away cos someone says they are diffrent, how can someone say that they are diffrent?
If he beside you on the right side is diffrent for you, guess what! That means that YOU are diffrent for him!
All are the same, we all have a pure heart -from the beggining. Keep it pure!

Fri vers av S.E-kna
Läst 147 gånger
Publicerad 2010-03-19 08:48

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