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There is one reason to why humans of today write blogs.

They need us. 

Let me evaluate, that statement, a tiny bit.

"I blog" - a Paradigm in our time - a science of self-discovery

I see a longing for togetherness, meaning and connectivity, a deeper sense
of profound loss and scattered fragments of self-hood, akin to reach - a voice.

People experience desolation, from self, in family, to work, against country.

What we need is not more separating paradigms that sort out our ethics and true values in exchange towards a market, based on greed or mindless consuming production.

If we choose to pass forward another legacy than debt and shame, where will life - as being the most important thing in the universe, take us?

Could it be that we will find ourselves, truly immersed in a reaching out, a wondrous greeting of each and other, instead of a separating entity, just going past one and other?

Where lies the fulfillment in self preservation, by any means necessary?

Where is the call to greet a new dawn for mankind, with joy and freedom?
Freedom - based in a knowing reflection about consequences, before you let in a new creation in the teaming life, be sure that it will not coexist with impunity.

The searching for self and reaching out for response benefits the growing steps that circumvent isolation and degeneration, and opens up the book on the page of clarity and revelation, regenerating a pulse in motion for twofold,
a sole atom missing its own counterpart in space - is it just - a matter of time and reason.

This thing which the attractive longing are looking for,
through an abundance of words and exonerating pictures, is it truly "us"?

And when will the self be satisfied enough, to remain within a concept of boundaries?

Today's technology promises that opportunity, the given gift, to be able to be noticed, in a context greater than the isolated awareness of self, to present that inner self towards a universe.

But where thus ethics and self-preservation sustain?

When, our primordial nightmare, the cry for help
is an endorsement, a testimonial, to - Kitty Genovese...


in a place where no one, ever, will have any doubt
if their voice will truly be heard
through that immense - by man built - wall of indifference.

Övriga genrer (Pastisch/Hommage) av Tobias Hedlund
Läst 360 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-06-01 16:59

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Tobias Hedlund
Tobias Hedlund