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Aeronaut's Causerie

when you're ready to leave earth
then will we contact you

Aereonauts like gods of old
living in the sky

- right now
there are a great many matters
that are pressing in on us

- that compete for the money it takes
to send people to other worlds

- should we solve those
problems first?

- or are they a reason
for going?

- we're on such a mission
to learn how to listen

- to learn how to exhale
in areas without air

- To think about properties
beyond our very reach

- we are billions living here now
there finally our time arrived

- the Sun hurt my eyes
so we're heading home

- but home where?
that's such an earthly
thing to say

Fri vers av CanisMajoris
Läst 220 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-01 23:09

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