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Det här var inriktad på det mörka och det ljusa. Black dawn ska förestältlla prinsen och Midnight Sun är tjejen. Världen ser inte de tillsamans, för mörkt ska vara mörkt och ljust ska vara ljust. Men ibland dras de till varandra, då är det vackert, då är

Black Dawn

Eyes in the night watching her
Everything is unstable, what a blur
Cold breaths and hidden cries
Black dawn with immortal eyes

A prince of darkness, the mighty night
Watched by solders and shining knights
In a kingdom he rules in fear
And she is getting near

Midnight sun was now close
She felt the fear till her bones
She got closer and didnt give in
Though life saw it as a sin

She sees a star and she sees a man
The prince saw her and ran
They kissed even if it was unknown
Better with beautiful strangers than all alone

She was chosen by his voice
She was his only full blooded choice
Everything else was still in night
Where he still ruled in fright

The light shines brightest in the dark
Together they left a red, thorny mark
No one accepted these lovers two
A midnight sun, a black dawn
Hated, feared but lives in you

Fri vers av Darling she lies...
Läst 232 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-11-30 23:35

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Darling she lies...
Darling she lies...