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opium is morphine refined in milk-wax stage, the juice is milky Likid that only kings were allowed to drink it seed Kontrol for distribution is lest one more they feel the position as king. just smoke a peace pipe king alone

The dream make goose bumps


-See you for the phantom of the opera
In the fragrant evenings when you following the stars in the groups
And reap bloody poppies with buds
Nightingalesong are melting departing into the distance
Empty moments keeping scent trough colors
 Poppies pieces of memories make to losing yourself in small parts
 Like petals of color’s poppies to the machete man cutting. 

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 443 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-06-17 13:45

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP