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You see it never helped

the pills were popped

they too were shot

it really deranged me

I snorted pepper and salt

It was good and burned alot

it was like nineteen ninety nine

and still I was the king of pop

it's easy getting a sun tan

then fucking let your hair down

grease your face in chemicals and oil

I don't care now

shove a pick up your nose
a triangular shaped dose
eat my puke and huf my fume
the joy of drinking anti-fire foam

like a friday in life
for me to confuse
I'd steal my style
and I style my pubes

it's getting me kind of a blood filled brain
thinking about how my cock is the same
as my skinny-ass pickle arms
pick them up and suck em' off

don't be alarmed by the white light tanner
I worked years to make them look in this manner
and the hairdo-shit has been combed to the side
I'd look like a fuhrer if my mom was to decide

I know I fucking stank like a dick in a pigbank
don't know how you judge when we both drank
I spilled my stankie juice all over your vejay-jay
at least in my dream for in reality you hate mey

I didn't mean to be a god damn loon and all
just stop be a bore and pick up my calls
in actuality I might be a hairy spineless stiffened baby
who just want to hang with his tomboy anti-reality

Fri vers (Fri form) av CanisMajoris2
Läst 262 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-11-29 00:21

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Hahaha, vejay-jay. Grymt.
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