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En gammal text jag skrev om att ljuga för sig själv.

Letter from I to me about myself

Dear me, what are you doing to me? Why are you keeping me prisoner and forcing me to share cell with despair. Why are you forcing me to fight to find happiness that lasts more than a minute, a second? I just want up to the surface and breath pure love and warmth without having despair tagging along. I just want to live some time in my life when everything are without worries, pain or tears. You are slowly suffocating the spark that I have left.

I want to walk with my family and feel whole, to walk with my love without fearing loss. Why are you ripping us apart like this? Have I ever failed to give you what you want? Love... Peace... Harmony... fragments to small to grab as despair are my companion.

Dear me, break the shackles I have with despair. Release and I will give light to both of us.

Dear I, me let you walk freely in the nature, me let you breath fresh air. What more can me give to you? Me feel joy together with you for each day that pass and yet you are complaining. Me laugh and smile with friends and yet you are saying that your are shackled to despair. When did you become this spoiled that you had to cry over nothing? Me are happy and so are you. Tag along on the ride and enjoy your life, because that is exactly what me doing.

Dear me, I never thought that myself ever would become this blind and it breaks my heart to taste your salty tears for each scar you hide from yourself.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Therese Nylander
Läst 266 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-23 20:11

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Therese Nylander