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I know that this is too generalizing, obviously not all men fall into this category.

In a Woman's Eyes

We gave you life,
We suffered for your birth and for your sins
Brought you up while your kind was out destroying the world.
We nurtured you, cared for you, lifted you up when you fell down, guided you.
We were always right behind you as you marched on.
We always admired you, saw the good in you.
The good and the lovable.
We obeyed you and your society, created by men for men.
We were silent houses of comfort.
You took our bodies and souls and made them into trophies.
You love it. Our soft love, soft breasts.
You shaped our view of the world and ourselves.
Made us your paper dolls, cut out just right to fit into your folder of life.
You created all this.
You must be mighty proud of this accomplishment.
¬You guys must have a sense of brotherhood stronger than titanium.
You must be so proud
Of your history, your heritage, your power, your righteousness.
And oh how you must feel that you are entitled
To indulge in us
Many of us and many times
Spread your semen
So that you can finally, finally claim that honorable, holy, sacred
Alpha Male title.
But you never do.
You are forever afraid that you haven't and won't ever completely earn it.
So fearful.
It's okay. We understand.
Yes, we do
Because, how can you possibly look into our eyes and submit to our brands:
Softness, humbleness, words of love, actions of love, true, pure love
Why would you cast yourself off your pedestal as that
that you are?
You fear that our brands will feel
too good
too true
too right
And that you will get lost and lose your strong spot
Among your brothers and as the dominant gender.

But I will let you in on this…
You are not as dominant as you think…
You may have shaped us,
But we shaped you too.
You cannot look into our eyes
Because, when you do…
You see a reflection of yourself.
Another part of you.
But we, we already conquered that fear.
We took a long good look into your eyes.
And found ourselves
And in that way we are equally, if not more dominant than you
Because we hold the key to your own self-knowledge,
And you won’t ever find it, if you don’t take that look
into a woman’s eyes.

Fri vers av Venke
Läst 377 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-20 11:29

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