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All kritik uppskattas ofantligt mycket. <3 Jag har ingen aning om hur man förklarar en takt, men det kanske går ändå.

Beneath the icy winter sky

He is the devil in disguise
He has fire in his eyes
And reaching for the sky
He can see through all their lies

Caught up in the stress
Without a way to express
His emotional excess
Finding it hard to feel blessed

With nowhere to go but home
He lingers on the long and lonesome road
Because home is where your heart is
And his heart feels like a stone

Dancing in the moonlight
Seeking cover in the forest
The fire turns to water
A safe haven in which he can cry
In the cover of the trees
Beneath the icy winter sky

Fri vers av Anon Nym
Läst 122 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-26 23:21

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Anon Nym