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When you say one thing but fuck your mother
Dogs shit is one way to greet your lover

Bugs bunny is not my friend
Their eyes are black and teeth sharpened
My mind has melt and my thoughts darkened

As a kid I watched and shined
Now their eyes are red
And their smiles are wide

My stomach hurt I could stab it
But I aint got a rusty knife to jab with
How else can I make it bat shit

I want to drink a can of acid
And smoke a dirty maggot
It feels right being addict

I snort the nearest ashtray
This is the way God made me
And to think I once was like they

I rip mice to pieces
I eat them with salt and faeces
With a good wine and cheeses

don't blame me for being different
I'm not weird, normal just isn't
dope like being none-innocent

Fri vers (Fri form) av CanisMajoris2
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-11-04 23:25

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