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Mental sleep

Sometimes it occurs to me
How stupid human kind must be
That there's so much more that we can not understand, and
we are just a speck of dust, a tiny fucking speck of rust

What if my heart stops, what if I go mental
Maybe I have and I might be living a lie
there's no meaning to all of this and then you die

an eternity of loneliness
it makes me really depressed

sometimes it occurs to me
that maybe I died years ago
psychosis, psychosis
I dont know where my mind is

it's so hollow
so hollow and gray
each day and most nights I'm anxious and my mind fights
fighting my own thoughts and feelings

I have no idea of what I'm feeling
what is fun
what is anger and why are people evil

let everyone live like they want to
share the world
dont worry about your clothes and ipads
it's bigger than that

help those who need it
give all you got to make this small planet full of life
as long as you got yours
share the world

Övriga genrer av yotl
Läst 348 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-08-11 00:19

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