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Vet inte, fråga mig inte, byggt på sanning men större delen är ihop slängd,

The old man

Old man looked at me
he saw my arms and my tattoos
and after that the smile he held
vanished from his eye
he placed his hand on my shoulder
and spoke to me from his heart

"son the scars you bare so open and fresh
all over your skin, with no hint of regret
how can you stand them all when they look and stare
trying to figure out the meaning
when it's so open and clear"

I told him,
My tattoos and scars may show themselves to you
I'm sorry to hear,
but not everyone can see the truth
even when it's drawn so near,
so you see I don't wear theses tattoos
for any of them but for all of you
the people who look at them
and see what they are supposed to
the people who know the meaning of my scars
are the ones who fit the closest to my heart

the old man smiled at me
gave me a hug
and started to walk away,
I looked for a while and then
I turned around
and did the same

Fri vers av Ruly
Läst 145 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-09-11 18:59

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