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Daughter of moon

The space
lingers on
beat after beat
of universe dust
and still sound of
shepherds underneath
stars of Nazareth.
They walk silent
under the sky
and guide the sheeps
and the stars folow them,
in silent reverie.
the son of God
and the night
are watching over the
strange girl. The
girl is blackhaired
and blackdressed and
has fake vampire fangs
and neon Nails.
She follows the
chiming of bells
at the spiritualist meeting
and has a bell, book and Candle.
In her hands, a skull with a
Candle and the dreambook
with blue sky and stars.
The silent night
and the dim light of
the evening,
Stars of gold
are in her hair
on the wall
they hang,
and on a meadow
of flowers she runs.
Daughter of moon
with flowers in her hair.

Prosa av Jack_Winter
Läst 405 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-04-02 18:34

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