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There are billions of stars in the sky
The question we have, is always why?
Where do I fit in, what’s my task?
In whole my life, I had to ask
I have looked in all directions
I tried so much, but mostly searched affections
I’m lost in space, no place called home on earth
So, suddenly it came to me, stop the search
I only have to stay still, to pray, to be
I open the eyes inside, to watch, to really see
I ask my heart, could that be me?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Boine Alvastral Josefsson
Läst 250 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-27 02:45

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Boine Alvastral Josefsson
Boine Alvastral Josefsson