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Hard times in paradise

You wake up in your hotelroom
Your paradise has met its doom
Sounds of bullets and granedes
The streets are filled with red brigades

Bad luck for you, a twist of fate
To wake up in a coup d'etat
The king's been murded, shooten twice
Hard times comin' up in paradise

There'll be no margaurita in the sun for you
No senorita and no fun for you
You'd pay a fortune for this I swear
Now you pay one more to get out of here

Your paradise has now been lost
You gotta get out at any cost
The sunny sky is aqua blue
The streets are red and so are you

Someones blood on your clothes
How this will end, no one knows
Someone just throwed the dice
Hard times comin' in paradise

Things are not what they used to be
In this doomed state of emergency
You must walk throught fire 'n walk through ice
Hard times gettin' out of paradise

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Läst 294 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-06-08 17:46

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Tears of a clown låttexter
Tears of a clown låttexter