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I am not wired like you
I may want to stare at your forearms forever,
stroke my fingers across them,
and even kiss you
But you want more
and then it's all
how much I tease and deceive you

And I know it's hard to understand;
I did in fact dance with you
In a fashion that screamed
Take what you need
And I was looking right at you

But what can I do
When you're touching me
and I feel nothing
And you want exciting
But I can't give that,
you see

Sometimes I wish
I could give you all you need
That I could take a pill
And with just force of will
Only my body would be deceived

But then I remember that
I don't owe you anything
I'm allowed to sway my hips
And purse my lips
Without our bodies intermingling

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Only_Theresa
Läst 161 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-12-05 15:21

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