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When hearts are broken, lost souls, lost lovers, tragic ends

The broken heart ghost

First time I saw you were in the house, a house in London. I gave you my heart, you gave me your heart.

Our love was you and I but the monsters came, they poisoned our ears and eyes, we never had a chance. We believed in the lies from the monsters.

Blood started to fall from our hearts, our hearts were crying.

I loved you, you loved me.

We only see each other on the other side, you are gone, you are walking this earth as a shadow, a spirit. A broken heart ghost who asked for my forgiveness, I gave you peace, you gave me peace.

Prosa av Elin-Margareta Nordin
Läst 155 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-01-08 17:54

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Elin-Margareta Nordin
Elin-Margareta Nordin