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Inspired by the myth of Akilles, but not completely true to the myth.

Lifes’ reign

Like Akilles we all have that special spot.
The spot when shot take our breath away.
The spot when found shatter a whole world.

Like Akilles we all can choose to fight.
Fight for a joyous and peaceful life.
Fight for a control over life itself.

Like Akilles we all have that special spot
The spot where darkness claws at our soul.
The spot where demons seeks to control.

Like Akilles we can stay in safety
Or we can fight for our freedom
And become the one who rules it all.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Therese Nylander
Läst 78 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2021-11-12 15:38

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Therese Nylander