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Teardrops are falling

Teardrops are falling
cause I see a little girl
born without the abilitie to talk
to be unable to tell her beloved ones
words from her heart.

Teardrops are falling
when I see the little boy
crying on the sidewalk
his parents argue
he could not witness
them tearing apart.

Teardrops are falling
when I see a little girl
taken from her mother
cause this world
didn't approve her
for her own daughter.

My tears are falling
cause you are taking this world
to a place where I do not want to go
My tears are falling
cause you're making the world into a place
where I do not want to grow old.

Fri vers av Tjeckspeare
Läst 525 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-23 02:03

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  Cosmic Johanna
Det gör ont i hjärtat oh skildrar det svåra som finns i världen, det gör ont att ta in, men vi lever och andas i det.

åh så underbart fint skrivet..får rysningar längs hela kroppen! jätte vackert, känslan är så närvarande.Jag vet hur du känner..
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