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A lonely wolf howling in the night

The darkness was gone a long time ago,
so was the frozen ground,
and the icy wind,
but still I\'m cold,
and I can feel a sharp breeze in my heart,
as I walk up the empty streets of what is called my soul,

When i try to paint the sunrise over thoose trashed houses,
it just ends up in grey and black,
trying to add some colour to my painting,
just makes it darker

that\'s the way I was born,
that\'s the way I have to live
and that\'s the way I will die.

I\'m just a lonely wolf howling all alone in the dark night

Fri vers av vete
Läst 360 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-04-05 23:18

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