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Den röda rosen från mig

The roses from me

The Rose from Me

The rose I have, I give to you
The rose I have, you can take
The rose you see, I can give it to a boy

But in my heart I can feel
All that I never felt
I\'m strong, but not with you

Deep inside my heart, I\'m scared
Of the love you can bring me

I can feel broken hope
But please don\'t break my dream
With you

I can still feel something
But why am I so afraid
To tell you

When the storm gets stronger
Then hold me harder

But I can\'t give the rose to you
If you don\'t take it from me

I can\'t take you from my dreams
You are the only one
I can give the rose to

I need to be strong when I\'m with you
Why am I so free from you
When will you understand me

The rose is only yours
When the dreams come true

Fri vers av kia
Läst 138 gånger
Publicerad 2008-05-24 10:14

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