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Sleeper\'s note

Last night I slept calmly, dreaming a strange dream.
I was standing on some rocks, over the surface of a wild stream.

You were a steady rock, reliable and strong.
But when I stood on you, I felt like I did wrong.

Your top and the surface, they weren\'t in line.
So when I stood on you, I soaked the feet of mine.

Though you were there for me, It was far from enough.
In shallow water you\'d do, but this stream was rough!

Suddenly the stream got ahold of my wrists,
Submerged me quickly, taking legs, arms and fists!

Sucked down into the deep, and as I think I\'m dead,
I find myself away from there, awaken in my bed.

It\'s time to let go of you, defy the stream so wild
to aim for other rocks, I\'m no more a child.

I\'ll aim for rocks, closer to the shore.
Afraid to let go? That I\'ll be no more...

Fri vers av Gagge
Läst 341 gånger
Publicerad 2008-06-06 01:22

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