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En engelsk-språkig dikt inspirerad av ett vampyr-rollspel jag ska börja spela

The vampire

The hunger
it's the hunger
it's raging throughout my body
it's tearing me asunder from the inside

it's calling for me

It tells me things
things only I hear
not everyone hear it
not even all of my clan does


I know it's the truth
I know it will let me know
it will let me know as soon as the hunger

is satisfied

as soon as I have fed
as soon as I've kissed another one
as soon as I've given in to it

If I don't

I will lose my strength
I will lose my mind
I will lose myself

But most importantly

I will lose this chance

my chance to start anew

I need to feed

Fri vers av Che Buzaglo
Läst 233 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-09 03:23

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Che Buzaglo
Che Buzaglo