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Min sång för fajten mot förtryck av alla slag, så som sexuella, ras relaterade och könsrolls relaterade.

Hundred Years In Chains

Thousands of people locked up
for a hundred years in chains,
alone they are standing
and mourning there remains.

Thousands of people standing
can no longer take the pain
after hundred years of torture
and the sorrow for their loved ones
driving them insane.

And a hundred years are coming
and a hundred years again.
Thousands of people
will go through all the same.

Some say that’s life.
But I say, how can you just do nothing
when everything goes wrong?
If all raised together
we would be so strong
so let’s raise together,
together we are strong.

Fri vers av Muppin
Läst 270 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-02 05:22

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