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Dikt på engelska om hur mobbing känns

Voice of darkness

dreams of murder
they come to me
even though I didn't want them
even during the day
they come to me
he takes them to me
it opens me
the hatred they poured into me
it is transforming
what once was love
is now hate
what once was fear
is now anger
what once was weakness
is now strength
no one wants to care
they made me care
when someone wants to kill you
you'd better care
I didn't want to care
I stayed away from it
I told them to stop it once
I couldn't eat more that day
then he came
now all I have is darkness
they gave him to me
they forced me to draw my weapon
they forced me to fight them
they created Makwe
now the darkness lurks everywhere
in school
at home
within my friends
around town
but inside of me is the darkest place of all
I want away
but he who made me feel that way
he tells me not to
because then they'll win
and I don't want them to win
I will never let them win

Fri vers av Che Buzaglo
Läst 381 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-10 09:09

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Che Buzaglo
Che Buzaglo