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Mystery of Time

Life is a strange thing.
Life is a long wait for death.
Life may be in vain.

All that you've done.
All your accomplishments.
They won't matter anymore.

You will be rotten.
You will be forgotten!

You're born, you live, you die.
And nobody cares.
Nobody remembers you.


You do something that matters, do something virtuous.

Do something evil or do something really noble.
That's what will make you remembered.

Blow up the white house, save the nature from humanity.
That's something that will make you remembered.

All that we hope for is a life after this.
For what?
To relive what we've already gone through, or live in paradise?

The mystery of time.

Fri vers av Wuzzi
Läst 442 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-08 22:59

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Find someone to love...
Create a happy childhood for
some kids...

Be nice to your neighbours...
Donate som money...
Or...just have some fun with others...

and you will be*


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