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the apache kid

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Textarkiv Augusti 2017

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Texter publicerade Augusti 2017

året var 1975 och Bruce Springsteen Born to Run spelades (3) - 2017-08-31
My ballad for Janice - 2017-08-30
A princess in disguise - 2017-08-29
Gypsy scarves - 2017-08-28
Hawkeye - 2017-08-27
Coiled as a snake - 2017-08-26
Exposing my fears (1) - 2017-08-25
Rage - 2017-08-24
Does the world need another protest song (3) - 2017-08-23
in the key of me (1) - 2017-08-22
Mascara Canyon Road (2) - 2017-08-21
Kramtid - 2017-08-20
My Lady of Queens (1) - 2017-08-19
Vått och torrt och mittemellan (2) - 2017-08-18
Campari and Ice Sunsets - 2017-08-17
former glory - 2017-08-16
When love is like a thief in the night (1) - 2017-08-15
On the fringe - 2017-08-14
Beneath the night - 2017-08-13
liksom - 2017-08-12
Binder - 2017-08-11
Save for Susan Scott and Me - 2017-08-10
Besieged - 2017-08-09
On hallowed ground - 2017-08-08
It all turns back to you - 2017-08-07
Serenade (A Song for Ingmari) - 2017-08-07
Soothe My Soul with Some Tender Rock 'n Roll (lyric, video) - 2017-08-07
She's All Angles and She's All Circles Too (with mp3) - 2017-08-06
Funky Loop (mp3 by Ann Blom) - 2017-08-05
Soft Nights - 2017-08-04
the devil in me (with mp3) (2) - 2017-08-04
On a Road in Oaxaca (mp3 by Nille) (4) - 2017-08-03
There are wheels within wheels - 2017-08-02
Sometimes I get lost in your eyes (2) - 2017-08-01

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