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the apache kid

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bell, book and candle



To the poet, the mystic, the seer - 2023-10-22
Herr Andersson (F-Skatt Fitzgerald Andersson) (15) - 2009-12-17

MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 3279 Texter      RSS-flöde för texter

Attracted to this Earth (Lyrics) - 2024-12-04
Bikten (4) - 2024-12-03
A Halloween Tale (1) - 2024-10-31
The Book of Life (2) - 2024-10-11
In The Time Before The Frost by Göran Gustafsson and LMG (1) - 2024-10-07
The Mermaid's Song (Born to the greenwood) (1) - 2024-10-07
LA Mantra (Hollywood Story) (1) - 2024-09-23
the devil in me - 2024-09-01
Under the bridge - 2024-08-26
Miss Peace, Love and Understanding - 2024-08-26
Madrigal (1) - 2024-08-20
Magic bears fill the air - 2024-08-18
Undone - 2024-08-18
On a Road in Old Oaxaca - 2024-08-16
Heather (1) - 2024-08-11
Until Further Notice - 2024-08-11
Getting Straight (1) - 2024-08-06
To the poet, the mystic, the seer - 2024-08-06
Serenade (En sång för Ingmari) (2) - 2024-08-05
Thursday Morning Revolution - 2024-07-18

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Lou Marshall Gould
"Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now..." from My Back Pages by Bob Dylan

Blev medlem april 2008

Har skrivit 1 549 kommentarer.
Har fått 34 712 applåder.


Lucky 13
Lucky 13
Memory Lane
Memory Lane
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Där du är
Brave as Spring
Central Park

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Thursday Morning Revolution

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