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It´s the feeling of sitting on the moon and looking down on Mother Earth. Not able to reach and touch,,still wanting and longing for the ultimate contact.

From a distant place

From a distant place I see you walk down the alley. I see you move your feet
so slowly and yet so angry.

From a distant place I wonder what made you so upset, so unlikely that you
reflect as I do, even though it´s your life and your footsteps that are angry.

From a distant place I watch you very closely and I feel so greatful for this oppertunety to be a part of your life without you knowing it.

From a distant place I feel in my heart that you are sorry,,,,,sorry for something that you´ve done. The sadness makes a big hole in your heart and I can see in
your heart that it gives you a hard time in life.

From a distant place I follow you so closely,,,touches every inch of your soul. And still you belive that you are lonely. Feeling so miserable and alone.

From a distant place I let you know of my existens,,,,I try to open up your heart and make you feel. But you are afraid that I will hurt you so you just say no to letting me in.

From a distant place I start to getting worry....worry about the life you chose to live. I love you so much it hurts me,,,to see your bleding heart and feel your lonely soul so defeted and vulnerable.

From a distant place I seek you to let you know I´m right here by your side and for the first time ever,,, I get a little reaction from your heart I feel some love.

Fri vers av Greenleaves Karlsson
Läst 317 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-07-21 20:55

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Greenleaves Karlsson