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December 2013, Sweden. Written in a rush, editing some other time.

A Blue Kind of Dream

Sometimes I feel like there's so much being said
that have so little to say
There's words flying around, but they got broken wings
and everything inside them is turning stone
.. and baby, I know you're trying
but sometimes falling is flying for a moment
you'll just have to worry about the ground
at another time

And while taking care and sailing through life unscathed
is the most important thing
but then someone speaks and it breaks the spell
and a life that was sure isn't anymore
It's such a soft thing, faded pale blue
the regrets you hold on walking down your road
you can almost hear them crying
All these words that hurt and no got no where to go

Sure, you can drop out, the game doesn't end as easy as that
and listen to the world the way you see through frosted glass
Every measure taken to avoid the pain that's always there
if you live life and actually try to not just to survive
I won't speak ill of those that choose to tread this path
I'll just wave and smile and let them go hoping they'll find
a peaceful life as a certified one-eyed king in the realm of the blind

But as I said when I began, I was talking about words
and how they live on forevermore in the moments they create
brick by brick they become the places we go in our mind
when we remember they are the temple in which we kneel
and when we forget they are our shrines
And even though this is all ephemereal dreams
they are real enough when you're left standing empty-handed
and all you got is memories and a sky that's crying

So listen now, please, this has been on my heart for a long, long time
Please, leave every word you have behind and just listen for a while
I've said too much and I've said not enough, but it's not their the problem lies
I'm telling you we're all strangers wandering through an unforgiving life
no map, no chart, in a world that's dark and light we're walking blind

But we make friends, we hang out; we make up rules and color inside the lines
I'm just trying to tell you it's all mirror images all reflecting different light
and your words are born hammers in a journey through the looking glass
nothing ever built is as fragile as a life, we're made to break down

So heed every step and remember your words were born hammers
and we only got a single mirror each and so many are swinging madly around
I'm not one for praying but I pray for us all to just lay it down

.. Just lay down and it'll all be alright
.. Just lay down and it'll be alright

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Mattias Ericson
Läst 182 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-01 19:31

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Mattias Ericson
Mattias Ericson