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Dark paths under palest moons, blues on my mind.

Grey Kingdom

I woke up this morning
and everything outside looked bleak and grim
The sun was shining in such a way
that cast shadows far beyond it's usual reach
and the light was thin

I saw what once had been a realm of light
descend into darkness
I saw the sun fall beneath the horizon
to where Dawn dares not go
I heard the ravens crow

I said to myself with trepidation
"I must not lose hope"
as I took the road less traveled
to where the winds grew less cold
and the journey was to let go

Cold, I was, fear was taking hold
It dug it's claws into my skin and made
small hills with shadowed valleys
with crooked dark trees standing guard
where only the bravest of men dare go

It seemed to me at the time
as if a thief had come along
and stolen all the colors
and every word to every song
as if grey was the kingdom
and bleak bones was the throne

I counted my blessings, few as they were
and thought of homestead and ground
I took the road less traveled
and broke into a stride
'cause if no one moves forward
how can you then leave something behind?

Grey kingdom with bleakbone throne
here I come
here I come
I will not fall

I will stand amidst the tombstones
and my heart will be the lonely drum
that makes echoes from the ivory bones
that rumbles across the plains
My audience the vast emptiness

But as I stood there counting my loneliness
I felt a whisper of life
Something besides me and the emptiness
was gaining stride
and I bowed my head and cried

"Who are you that walks these lands?
Are you of flesh and bone like me
or are you of the ethereal realm?"
I said softly
"Are you of hope or are you damned?"

The faintest of glimmers arose
where the edge lies as seen from my eyes
I held my breath and shook my head
Was there light where shadow been
or were my eyes mistaken?

I thought of ivory graveyards
where I had found bones full o' souls
They had spoken in tongues best left unheard
and I had held no hope like I did now
Was the glimmer of silver
or was it only of fool's gold?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Mattias Ericson
Läst 173 gånger
Publicerad 2014-01-01 19:39

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Mattias Ericson
Mattias Ericson