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An hippie's little attempt at defining something really hard to define.

A Dreamer's Lullaby

You were singing softly
and stepping lightly on the grass
that's gathered outside your window
with a thousand dewdrops
set out to be displayed
by someone who knew the quiet art
of an early morning's heart

I remember thinking you wore them so well
those early day shadows
like a love letter in it's envelope
or a man a long time lost
finding his way again

yes, you seemed just like that
that very morning
I guess you could say
you were everything
you were meant to be
from one point of view

To this very day I can remember
how that day fell into night
how without the slightest hesistance
or even the weakest tremor of suspence
everything we knew was overturned
and the world was made anew

The evening moves towards the inevitable end
and we know it's almost time for us to leave
you can feel the last song coming
so we hum along with the chorus
so the last verse won't be in vain

Yes, I remember you saying
"There's always something coming to an end,
and there's nothing one can do
You just gotta hang on to every shred of benevolence
and always believe something truly good
will come to start
Somewhere along the horizon
there will always be a brightness
always another morning
coming into life"

So softly, sweetly
I sing a dreamer's lullaby
for a world that's always awakening
and falling asleep at the same time
I sing like the wind in the trees
like a wave nesting into the sand
like the sound of thunder rolling across the sky
and like the brightness of lightning
and even if just for the shortest of moments
let it be known that once I was alive
yes, once I was alive
and that's the important part
that's what it's all about

So now when time's slipping away
and it's not too early to be leaving
I say my goodbyes with the slightest of sorrow
and so I bid the other guests farewell
and mumble something pleasant to the host
and with our coats halfway on we step outside the door
and there we make our final goodbyes

Then as we walk side by side I hear you sigh
I turn to you just in time too see your pale red lips
quietly fade into the most melancholic
of parting smiles
and that's when I knew when I'd look in your eyes
I'd see you truly happy
just to be alive

Fri vers (Fri form) av Mattias Ericson
Läst 176 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-01 19:42

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Mattias Ericson
Mattias Ericson