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4 years ago, this was me for a moment at least.

Take It As It Comes

I've been soaring the skies
only to find goodbyes
Tried to take the day as it was
but it took me with surprise

I've told so many dreams
spoke them out loud
now I've got no where to go
by my tongue I am bound
To live upon dreams of dreams
like a the man who sold the world
only to find he's got
no place left to go

I've held my illusions high for so long
tried to sing but I never knew the song
was hidden beneath the smoke all along

And the crystallized essence
of dreams that never turn real
do you know what loneliness is
do you know how it feels?
.. do you know how it feels?

There's just so many places
I've never got around to see
so many people
I never did meet
So many hopes that died young
so many songs left unsung

Do you think there's a way home
for those who sinned
Under serene blue dome
the ranks have thinned
I'm left standing
but who knows for how long
I'm left standing
but who knows my song?

I never want to forget
but I want out
I never want to regret
not getting out
in time for my show

.. it's time to go,
.. it's time to go.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Mattias Ericson
Läst 196 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-18 23:42

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Mattias Ericson
Mattias Ericson