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Shattered Dreams

Robin Inkognito Olsson - Shattered dreams

I keep having the thoughts of how it would be if life would be fine
A reality like a paradise where dreams existeded and could somehow be mine
You know, a place I could open up, be myself and truly could be relieved
Not amongs the clouds, nor amongst hell, just a moment embrazed with a breeze
That could sweep me of my feets and make shit a little less advance
The place I always wish existed, a life where you could earn a second chance
And for a moment just forget the darkness and all of the family mixtures
A life where I still could smile and we all could be in the family pictures
Where all of the struggles and hatred could be erased
Instead of letting it continue to grow painful and hazed
And never continue in this sick and twisted way we learned to know
And replace the cold with warm and let the love take start and grow
Because I'm so sick and tired of feeling this down and broken
So it's now or never, It had to come out and had to be spoken
Because I wish for a place with no troubles or troublesome ways
Where everytime I open my eyes the dreams I've built fades

Fri vers (Fri form) av Inkognito
Läst 315 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-30 05:06

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