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en special sång ....

nesini el donia

Make me forget the world and let me tell you sweet words
If I go around the world, if I go around the people
It will be impossible to find love likes yours

I tell you that I love you
but love is just too less for you
If I go a minute away from you
I return and see your eyes again
Hug me, be mine and drown in my love
Come back and we’ll live the nicest days.

It was the nicest day of my life
When I met you, my darling
I didn’t think of you for a moment,
and then I found myself in your love
You took me from all the people, to feel the most beautiful feeling
My sweetheart!! Make me forget the world with you !

I hold you in my eyes.
I am next to you and I love you.
It’s impossible for me, my darling, to forget you
I am gong to love you forever and dream to be forever yours

I Love You

Fri vers av susi
Läst 658 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-02-17 14:04

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