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Prostitute for You

This is what I do
I hunt
in its purest form
This is what I do
I chase
that will relieve
the pain
and frustration
that lingers
inside my memories

This is what I did
I hunted you
and now
you\'re haunted
by me
This is what I did
I undressed you
and now
you are
under my skin
inside my head
wrapped around
my shaking body

Seduced by me
you gave yourself
and now
you are
all that matters
Obsessed by you
I fell into you
possessed by
your eyes
your hands
your tears
that ripped
my heart out

This is what I am
a prostitute
for you
You pay
with your heart
your vulnerability
your trust
and your faith
in me
to continue
to write
our story
like Oscar Wilde
and paint
our Love
like Rembrandt

This is what I do
I write
because I can
I paint
because I can
I undress you
because I can

This is what I want
I want to fall asleep
in your arms
hide myself
from the world
inside your heart

I want to wake up
your perfume
still lingering
in the air
I want to walk
through eternity
that you where here
one brief moment
in my life

This is what I am
a prostitute for you
I gamble my heart
and you pay
with yours

Fri vers av SeXara
Läst 615 gånger
Publicerad 2008-06-19 14:50

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the apache kid VIP
\"I gamble my heart
and you pay
with yours\" In my brief experience, that\'s a price often paid...very well formulated verse and page...lmg

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Haunted by fire
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