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  06.01.06 with Sean Keane 14.43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB1QvlqZhf4

“The writing on the wall”

Those young eyes
never trembled
so much
spotted fear

in courage to seek out
a different land
to stand trusted
with infinity in your hand

such is the sleep of man
that we may find
each n other
walking astray
with one n other

caress the making
in love we found
ourselves and reach
each n other

a way to see

“The writing on the wall!”

I listen to voices
unfolded echoes
in my ear
a tearing tune
of loneliness

and pounding
hearts do agree
that words are said
in trust
and sympathy

so why did you
not call out
to meet your friend
why not see
life is the only way

to make a set segl sail
on morning tide
away as sunset fell
roaring shipmates
do acclaim

“Embrace your falling mates!
With the wind we thus stay!”

blows fell so hard
when you made
your stand
in rig
in corners
in mast
a spring full of wires

for a hold
and a trust
to deep
you scamble
and life was made
for you obsolete

for yet another wind
will sail that ship
over roaring seas
the sounded call
made out

“Writhing on the wall!"

"Heave to! Hold fast!

Embrace your falling mates!
With the wind we thus stay!”

Prosa av Nightngale
Läst 654 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-06 15:47

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