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  Poem from my new book My Own Poems of Life

Never say Never

Things will not stay the same
Some things will be the same over time
There is just no telling what
Some things you steer in your own direction
Some things you can can't govern
Things can go in different directions
Make it your own as much as you can
When you are getting on with things
Don't assume that it will not work
Don't assume things will work
Just never say never
Becuse you can't know in beforehand
How things will go
About anything
Life is uncertain
Things are uncertain
Don't take things for granted
Don't just see the problem
Think about a solution instead
You can make your own steps
As you go on with your life
Never say Never in life

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 29 gånger
Publicerad 2024-04-27 13:12

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